Crazy since 2019

2019: FIRST LEGO League, “CITY SHAPER”, Copenhagen

2019: FIRST LEGO League, "CITY SHAPER", Copenhagen


In 2019, Gifll was founded. We met for the very first time during the summer holidays to get an introduction to FIRST LEGO League. In September we met again to begin working on the CITY SHAPER challenge.

Throughout the 2019 season we mostly worked at Gladsaxe Pædagogiske Videnscenter (GPV). We were 13 people on our team, so a lot of the time we split into a project and robot team.


Here is us working, having fun, and a sketch of our locker.


Our CITY SHAPER Innovative Project was and idea called FLLowShare (the Danish name was FLLSKAB, which is a wordplay on “fællesskab”, meaning community, “skab”, meaning locker, and FLL). We were five people working on the project, it was about sharing rarely used items through a community locker and meeting new people in the neighborhood.

In 2019 we made the first Project logo, and it has been repurposed almost every year since.

For the Robot Game, seven people worked together, and we came a long way. There were struggles along the way, but we worked together as a team to solve them, and managed well.


We had LEGO models of things from the FLLowShare locker at our stand!


The FLL Regional Tournament was held on 9th November at Utterslev Skole. We arrived in the morning to set up our stand, and then we did the Robot Game and all our different presentations.

There was a long wait before we could get the results so we had two team members entertain the crowd with a competition in eating a Gifflar the fastest.

In the end, Gifll won the Project Prize, which we were extremely happy and pleased about. We did well in the Robot Game as well but did not make it to the podium. We were nominated to the Scandinavian Innovation Award.